To export the finished results to Excel, make sure you are on the Report Home toolbar, then click on the Export icon.
Some reports include a Page-By feature. This feature allows the results to be viewed by library or as a whole.
If the report has the Page-By feature and is ran for the main library and branches, the four things highlighted in yellow should be chosen. This allows each library to be separated out on its own tab, and the total page as well.
If the report is ran for a single library location and it has the Page-By feature, either Excel with Plain Text or Excel with Formatting can be chosen. The Expand All Page-by Fields option is not needed.
If there is no Page-By feature in the finished report, then either Excel with Plain Text or Excel with Formatting can be chosen.
Once the selections have been chosen, click on the EXPORT button in the lower right corner.
To export the finished results to a PDF document, make sure you are on the Report Home toolbar, then click on the PDF icon.
The same rule applies for the Expand All Page-By Fields option. To see all the libraries chosen in the report, the Expand All Page-By Fields box will need checked. All the libraries will be listed in one PDF document but on separate pages. Orientation may need to be adjusted.
Once the selections have been chosen, click on the EXPORT button in the lower right corner.
For questions or assistance, please call us at 1-877-552-4262 or create a ticket by clicking here.
Happy Reporting!