"statelibdelivery@lists.library.ohio.gov"is a mailing list (commonly referred to as the delivery email list) devoted to statewide delivery issues. This mailing list is the primary tool used for communicating the day-to-day shipping and receiving of library materials via the statewide delivery vendor. Typical use includes but is not limited to the following:
- Requesting shipping supplies and materials (i.e., bags, shipping containers, etc.)
- Announcing update information for manifest list labels
- Receiving communiques from the State Library of Ohio regarding delivery.
How to Subscribe:
To subscribe to statelibdelivery, send an (empty) message
A confirmation email will be sent. Once the list owner receives your confirmation (once you click the link in the confirmation email), your address will be added to the subscriber database and you will receive listserv correspondence
Posting Guidelines for statelibdelivery@lists.library.ohio.gov
Submitting Content
Send all messages to the following address: statelibdelivery@lists.library.ohio.gov This is the list address. Mail sent to any other address will not be delivered.
To unsubscribe from statelibdelivery just send a message to statelibdelivery-unsubscribe@lists.library.ohio.gov, then reply to the confirmation request. You should receive a message to let you know that you are no longer a subscriber.
Contact a human for Technical or Submission problems (list-owner)
If you experience any technical problems posting and receiving delivery list messages or, have questions relating to the content policies of the list please send an email to the following address with a description of your problem and any bounce message that you may have received. statelibdelivery-owner@lists.library.ohio.gov
Request Delivery Supplies
Requesting shipping supplies and materials (i.e., bags, shipping containers, etc.) is done by posting a message to the statelibdelivery listserv.
For current participating members already subscribed to the list please submit your request to the list. Send an email with your request to statelibdelivery@lists.library.ohio.gov.
If your library has joined the Statewide Delivery system please have the individual(s) responsible for day-to-day delivery at your library subscribe to the statelibdelivery list. Once someone has subscribed to the statelibdelivery list, submit the request for supplies to the list.