There are three checkout/renewal counters in the Item Search wizard in WorkFlows. Each of these counters provide the number of checkouts/renewals an item has for different time periods.
Total Charges
Located in the Item Info tab, Total charges provides the number of checkouts an item has had for all time.
This item has been checked out 19 times since it has been added to the library.
Ongoing Checkouts/Renewals
Located in the Circ Info tab, Ongoing checkouts and renewals quantifies the number of times an item has been checked out/renewed since the library started using Symphony WorkFlows.
For SEO libraries that were members before 2012, these counters started when SEO migrated to Symphony WorkFlows in June 2012. For libraries that joined after June 2012, the counter starts when your library migrated to SEO.
The same item has had 5 checkouts and 3 renewals since the library joined SEO in October 2018.
Checkouts/Renewals to Date
Located in the Circ Info tab, Checkouts and Renewals to date indicates how many times the item has been checked out and renewed since the counters were last cleared which is designated by the Date last cleared. A report has been set up to reset these counters yearly on January 1.
The same item has been checked out 1 time and had 0 renewals since January 1, 2023.